25 | Music Therapy & Music Education with Lauren Marcinkowski, MT-BC M.Ed.

Season #2 Episode #25

In this episode I share my conversation with Lauren Marcinkowski about the intersections between music education and music therapy.

Lauren Marcinkowski is a PA, K-12 certified music teacher and board-certified music therapist. She also has Pennsylvania certifications in special education and elementary education. Lauren lives in Bucks County, PA, which is in the greater Philadelphia area.

Lauren is currently serving as a Special Education teacher in Bucks County. Previously, she was a music teacher for an educational agency which services students with special needs in alternative settings. She taught students of all abilities from grades K to 12 and older. Lauren loves teaching and is passionate about advocating for all students, especially those most who struggle advocating for themselves.

Lauren is a wife, a mother to a baby boy, and a proud wife to an incredible husband who is a special education teacher himself. She has two wonderful parents, and two amazing sisters and one brother.

Lauren's brother and uncle lived with her while growing up, and both have diagnoses of intellectual disabilities and autism. Growing up with them has given her a unique insight to unique challenges that families with children who have disabilities face.

Lauren also is a blog contributor for That Music Teacher, so you might recognize her name if you are familiar with our blog.

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